Using rubber gloves, soak the cleaning cloth with the product and apply by hand onc to the anilox roller. Always remember that anilox roll cleaning is very important as cell volume can change radically with dry fluid buildup. Ordering the inner bracket with anilox roller installed. Samples from each of the anilox rollers were collected and measured for their total color differences ae as determined relative to the sample mean of press sheets selected from the second press run of the banded anilox roller. As pioneers in the field of anilox rollers, we cooperate with all the renowned major manufacturers of. Whenever the anilox roller moves faster than the print cylinder, more than the normal amount of ink is. Import data and price of anilox rolls under hs code 8443 zauba. For further information, please check the pdf document. In normal use, laser engraved anilox rolls must be cleaned as soon as possible after the completion of a press run to remove residual inkcoatings. L0866965 is a periodical cleaner for the manual cleaning of anilox rollers, ceramic fountain rollers, stainless steel cylinders and chromed. It is very important to eliminate any old markings on the. Occasionally, customers who may have infrequent need for a. Date hs code description origin country port of discharge unit quantity value inr per unit inr nov 18 2016. Industry solutions engraved anilox rollers zecher gmbh.
It is analogous to driving in a railroad spike with an 8 ounce hammer or using a 5 pound sledge hammer to gently tap in a finishing nail to hang a picture. Zecher has been able, as a company wholly specialised in anilox rollers, to use its expertise and long experience in the field to create a strong market position. The media is based on sodium bicarbonate baking soda which is a natural, water. When foreign particles become trapped between the doctor blade and. We use triedandtested chromium oxide ceramics cr2o3 for this purpose, given their characteristic melting. In addition, the same banded anilox from the second press run was used to run again to confirm the result. Anilox rolls used to be specified by linescreen, then volume. Smartflex anilox roller cleaning gel will effectively and quickly clean anilox rollers of aqueous, solvent based, oil based or uv ink. Chemical name and company identification formulatedmanufactured by. Apply the product to the surface evenly and rinse thoroughly with clear water after 10 minutes.
Complete with 3 standard engraved anilox rollers, 2 rubber rollers and a cleaningstorage rack. Occasionally, customers who may have infrequent need for a given anilox roller, may prefer to keep the roller handy for use, installed in an inner bracket assembly, which may be exchanged with another. Lcm group of companies spreading quality for additional help in selecting your anilox roll needs, contact the flexo specialist at. The coater anilox roller can be cleaned daily by using ksupply anilox daily roller cleaner. A line work print job would be specified with 360 linescreen rolls, while screen work would use 440s, and process print would be run. Flush the chamber as usual and then use a stainless bristle brush in a circular motion with the appropriate cleaner. The anilox roller is carried in ball bearings, mounted in an inner bracket assembly. Ceramic anilox roll care and maintenance praxair surface. An anilox roll is simply a metering roll designed to consistently. This allows the majority of the weight to rest on the thicker part of the journal rather than the ends of the journal.
Engraved with cells that act as the carriers of exact quantities of ink, the anilox roller must maintain its integrity through cleanliness. When it comes to anilox rollers ultrasonic cleaning is almost universally recognised as the best process out there. Recommended where a number of operators may be involved or when the. Ceramic anilox roll cleaning systems if the cells of praxair surface technologies laser engraved ceramic anilox rolls become clogged with dirt, dried ink, or coatings, print quality is affected. An anilox roll geared toward laying down a large volume of ink on a solid coverage area is not necessarily the right tool to precisely lay down a 1% dot on a 200 line plate. With the anilox upgrade, the amount of lacquer held in the engraved roller cells determines the film thickness. In addition, oerlikon metco is an anilox roll processors one stopshop for coating equipment, materials and support, en abling simplification of the supply chain. Its orbital action and pad provide the mechanical agitation necessary for your cleaner to work without hand scrubbing. All anilox rolls should have protective covers on them at all times. Apply ksupply anilox roller cleaner ultra straight to the roller.
The fewer the total number of cells on the cylinder as a. Gently wipe the anilox roll thoroughly with warm water. The study of using the banded anilox roller for color. In the printing process, the anilox roll is coated in a precise layer of ink that is then transferred to the raised portions of the. The problem with these proofers was that they could not consistently predict color using mechanically engraved anilox rolls while the press used laser engraved. For example, there are few standards of ink and color for spot color printing. The shape and condition of the anilox cells the plate material itself the properties of the plate surface ink and substrate dyne levels environmental conditions technology develop ments from. Anilox rolls were originally made using a process of mechanical engraving, utilizing hardened steel tools of various cell counts and cell shapes diamond pecking machine, but modern rolls are laser. Simply understanding that an anilox is made up of thousands of microscopic inkcarrying cells is not enough.
Make sure to thoroughly dry anilox roller with lint free wipes or rags. The engraved pattern is made up from hundreds and thousands of cells. Smartflex anilox roller cleaning gel tower products. Inspect engraved surface of rollers with magnification and document characteristics. Pdf since schepers introduced the engraving application for anilox rollers the system has been enhanced to cover the complete screen range and a. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. The aim of our technical documents is to inform and advise our customers. Our anilox rollers allow you to react accordingly, as you tackle your individual printing requirements. Anilox cleaning anilox cleanliness is critical because dirty or clogged cells can degrade performance by reducing cell volume and causing uneven appearance or random. Chipped edges can result in seal wear acceleration, premature wear of doctor blades, or ink slinging. Components present in this product at a level which could require reporting under epa regulation 40cfr302.
On an anilox roller using inverted pyramidshaped cells, a 20% decrease in cell depth due to wear can cause more than a 40% decrease in volume. When the anilox surface is clean, dry it with a lint free cloth. Sanilox gravures has become a key figure in the field of mechanical engraving joint less anilox roller. The vastly reduced weight makes it very easy to handle and ideal for multiple roll changes or where hoisting is not present. Tameside park industrial estate fifth avenue dukinfield sk164pp. Reduce ink to lowest viscosity consistent with acceptable printability 2.
Anilox roll storage and handling all printing resources. Armex anilox roll cleaning formula is specially formulated for use with automated soda systems for anilox roll cleaning. Arc focuses on giving its customer a precise and durable roller. The anilox roller is an integral part of the flexographic printing press. Anilox rollers the key to sucess of the anilox system is the engraved rollers. Ceramic anilox roll cleaning systems praxair surface technologies. The very nature of the small size of cavitation bubbles and the implosion sucking dirt off. The media is based on sodium bicarbonate baking soda which is a natural, water soluble, inorganic compound with a soft crystalline structure that makes it an ideal, cleaning agent. Anilox roller cleaner will effectively and quickly clean anilox rollers of aqueous, solvent based, oil based or uv ink. Lower anilox roll volumes transfer a thinner film of ink which enables more tonal range, best image quality and. Anilox rolls should be stored in a twoarm rack with a halfinch clearance on each side of the roll. Import data and price of anilox rolls under hs code 8443. Follow your anilox suppliers roll cleaning instructions so that you are guaranteed. The low risk solution to boost anilox roll production and.
Using the anilox roll cleaning brush, provided by cheshire anilox tech. Cleaning clean the anilox rollers in the press immediately upon stopping the ink flow and roll rotation. Sanilox gravures anilox roller manufacturers in india. The very nature of the small size of cavitation bubbles and the implosion sucking dirt off rather than blasting media on, makes the cleaning more precise and safer for the extraction of contaminant from micron sized cells on the surface of the roller. When foreign particles become trapped between the doctor blade and the anilox, it is likely that the finely engraved cells within the anilox will become blocked, damaged or even destroyed. Anilox roller cleaner product information article number.
Jul 03, 2017 the anilox roller is often referred to as the heart of the flexographic press. Using anilox roller cleaner will provide a more consistent cell volume, which will improve control of. For the daily cleaning of anilox rolls, use stainless steel brushes and water, or an alcoholbased roll cleaning solvent, recommended by praxair or your ink supplier. Production of approximately 12,000 anilox rollers annually. Before the purchase of an anilox roller, a printing company normally had to consider which specifications would be suitable for a particular application. Color matching is an important issue in the flexographic industry today because of many problems related to it. An anilox roll is a hard cylinder, usually constructed of a steel or aluminum core which is coated by an industrial ceramic whose surface is engraved with millions of very fine dimples, known as anilox cells. Removes dried varnish and ink of conventional, solvent based and uv systems. It is designed to deliver a precise and consistent amount of ink to the printing plate. Anilox rollers showing all results default sorting sort by popularity sort by average rating sort by newness sort by price. Protecting anilox rolls although praxair ceramic anilox rolls are tougher and less susceptible to damage than conventional chromeplated rolls, special care must be taken in handling to avoid chipping the corners and edges. The flexo printingcoating process depends upon the precise controlled transfer of a liquid ink, varnish or coating. This is a paste product designedto clean inline at a significantly less cost per roller than an offline cleaning method. The ceramic functioning layer provides a basis for the laser engraving of our anilox rollers.
Conventional anilox rollers the heart of the flexo press description. The drawing of the ceramic anilox roller if possibleor you can get a estimate price by telling us the total length,effective face length,diameter b. These are manufactured in steel, then copper plated, engraved and hand polished. Varn enviroflex anilox paste is a concentrated roller cleaning paste for use on and.
Pdf laser engraving of ceramic anilox rollers researchgate. The key factor in metering ink in the flexographic printing process is the anilox roller. The anilox rolls should have an identification number, cell count and volume stamped on them in an area that is easy to read in and out of the press. The ceramic polishing process is followed by additional smoothing carried out at a considerably lower speed. Ink color acceptable, but stronger than standard 3. This information may be useful in complying with various federal and state regulations. A study ofusing banded anilox roller for color matching in flexography i, apichai puvaravutipanich, hereby grantpermission to the wallace memorial library ofri. Line screen indicates the number of cells per linear inch on an anilox roll, and is a major component when specifying an anilox roll. This means that your ceramic roller will have a long and reliable useful life as it delivers outstanding print results. Any reproduction will not be for commercial use or profit. Ceramic anilox rollers and sleeves laser engraving. L0866965 is a periodical cleaner for the manual cleaning of anilox rollers, ceramic fountain rollers, stainless steel cylinders and chromed sheets, without jackets.
Anilox rollers flexo technology as a special technology is a inevitable part of most package production processes and it has wider range of appliance than that. The angle of engraving indicates how the cells were engraved and therefore how they line up across the anilox. Ceramic anilox rollers and sleeves laser engraving zecher. Whenever the print cylinder moves faster than the anilox roller, less ink is transferred to the print cylinder, resulting in a light section in the printed piece. This is a paste product designed to clean inline at a significantly less cost per roller than an offline cleaning method. Specifying the right anilox roll manufacturer of anilox. Top quality ceramic coatings available on the market for anilox roller. The fewer the total number of cells on the cylinder as a whole, the greater the percentage of the volume decrease. Anilox produced with fibre optic lasers with multiburn technology with a capability of engraving 790lcm2000 lpi. Follow your anilox suppliers roll cleaning instructions so that you are guaranteed optimum anilox transfer efficiency. As pioneers in the field of anilox rollers, we cooperate with all the renowned major manufacturers of printing machines, and will be happy to advise you regarding the optimum anilox roller combination for your particular area of application. Life expectancy of a roll is between 30 and 50 million sheet passes depending on type of running and coating used.
Anilox laser technology have international representatives in over 20 countries. Coating material is transferred to the anilox roller from a lacquer chamber which employs two scraper blades. It is designed to deliver a precise and consistent amount of. The alternative in the anilox roller and sleeve industry.
Each anilox roller is subjected to further superfine polishing using a diamondcoated abrasive strip. Line screen is chosen in direct correlation to anilox volume. Solutions flash laser engraved anilox roll production. Pdf multi beam laser technology for engraving anilox rollers. Zecher has been able, as a company wholly specialised. It is also necessary to have a basic understanding of the characteristics of the cells and their impact on ink transfer. The anilox roller is often referred to as the heart of the flexographic press. A line work print job would be specified with 360 linescreen rolls, while screen work would use 440s, and process print would be run with 600s at volumes of 5 bcm, 4 bcm, and 3 bcm, respectively. Anilox roll scoring is visible as thin circumferential lines on the surface on the anilox roll which quickly show up on the print surface. Recommended where a number of operators may be involved or when the highest degree of repeatability is demanded such as prints for computer color matching. The shape and condition of the anilox cells the plate material itself the. Smartflex anilox roller cleaning gel will effectively and quickly clean anilox rollers of aqueous.
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